Fastcrete DOT FA


FASTCRETE DOT FA™ is a fast-setting, low permeability hydraulic cement that contains fly ash and silica fume. It can be readily mixed with field sand, stone, and water to produce concrete specifically for DOT use in repairing bridge decks, highway overlays, parking garage structures, industrial concrete slabs, marine structures, and concrete roads. FASTCRETE DOT FA™ concrete has low chloride permeability, high freeze/thaw resistance and very high early strength which is designed to facilitate the opening of roadways, bridges, parking garages, and other concrete repairs to traffic in an extremely short time frame. FASTCRETE DOT FA™ meets ASTM C1600 TaTable 1 standard physical requirement for MRH and GRH cement.


  • Very fast-setting/High early strength
  • Full-depth repairs
  • Low permeability
  • Excellent freeze thaw resistance
  • No added chlorides
  • Shrinkage compensated
  • Open to vehicle in as little as 1-3 hours (at 70°F)